Friday 22 December 2017

Bunions Relief | Good Feet Australia



Bunions hurt? Our customized orthotics help promote bunion pain relief by putting the foot in a healthier position inside the shoe. Bunions are extremely common. They typically present themselves as a bony protrusion on the inside of the foot by the big toe joint. Some people may develop a bump on the outside of the foot by the pinky toe. These are referred to as a Tailor’s Bunion or bunionette. Bunions often develop as a result of poor foot biomechanics, arthritis, or from wearing shoes that are too small or tight.


Stress on the joint of the big toe may cause swelling and pressure inside a shoe, which may cause severe pain along the side of the foot and in the big toe. If the Bunion is large it may cross over or under the 2nd toe and it may become difficult to find shoes that fit properly.

Our Pain Relief Solutions

Good Feet provides a wide variety of arch supports that can help to transfer the body’s weight off the front of the foot, which may help relieve pain in the joint of the big toe. Additionally, by stabilizing the structure, Good Feet arch supports can help to correct poor foot biomechanics and allow the foot to sit in a healthier position inside the shoe, relieving pressure on the big toe joint. 

Good Feet Products

Good Feet arch supports are designed to place the feet in the “ideal” position by supporting all four arches – thereby promoting even body weight distribution. Our wide range of over 300 styles, flexibilities, and sizes allows our customers to be fit with the supports that meet their particular needs, foot type, shoes, lifestyle and overall comfort. 

Saturday 16 December 2017

Get Assured Relief from Plantar Fasciitis


Plantar Fasciitis

Most people aren’t aware of this, but poor biomechanics in the foot can cause more than just foot pain but knee, hip, and back pain as well.

Our Good Feet Strengthener arch supports have a stabilizing heel cup that provides comfort from plantar fasciitis pain. Try them out at our local store today. Good Feet Strengthener arch supports have a stabilizing heel cup that can ease foot pain and irritation caused by plantar fasciitis.

The plantar fascia is a thick, powerful ligament that connects the heel bone to the bone in the front of the foot. When stretched or strained during the course of standing or walking, the plantar fascia may become irritated and inflamed, which can cause pain in the heel and arch of the foot.

The most common complaint is “first step pain”, where people describe a sharp pain upon getting out of bed in the morning, or after sitting for long periods of time. The pain often mellows to a dull ache after time.

Our Pain Relief Solutions

Good Feet’s 3-Step System is uniquely suited for people dealing with the pain and discomfort caused by plantar fasciitis by providing support to the plantar fascia from the very first step of the day, until the very last.

Many customers tell us that our Strengthener line of supports, with the stabilizing heel cup, provides some comfort almost immediately.

Friday 15 December 2017

New York Medical Malpractice Attorney with a National Practice


Medical malpractice is a bigger problem in the United States than many people realize. Thousands of people die per year as a result of medical malpractice and even more suffer long-term injuries. Out of all the people that suffer as a result of medical malpractice, only a small percentage files a claim and seeks compensation. A New York medical malpractice attorney can help you get compensation that may be very much needed as a result of your injuries. malpractice includes errors and omissions made by doctors as well as neglecting standard procedure, resulting in the injury or death of the patient. Your physician may have given you the wrong prescription or failed to diagnose an illness in a timely manner. If any mistake or neglect on the part of your doctor has caused you injury, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice case. While unforeseen complications do not fall under medical malpractice, any injury sustained due to improper or neglectful treatment would constitute medical malpractice. Seek legal counsel from an experienced New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer if you believe you are suffering injuries due to medical malpractice in New York. Medical malpractice applies to injuries caused by not just doctors, but nurses, dentists, osteopaths, healthcare facilities and nursing homes that provide medical care.

Medical Malpractice includes but is not limited to:
  • Prescription error
  • Infection and bleeding
  • Surgical errors
  • Anesthesia errors
  • Misdiagnosis and failure to diagnose illness
Don’t neglect to file charges because you don’t want to deal with going to court and missing work. The majority of medical malpractice cases are settled out of court. However these cases may not settle quickly and the attorney must proceed as though the case is going to trial, thoroughly preparing all the necessary documents. The physician’s lawyer will be prepared to argue against your case and you will be required to prove your case. Insurance companies benefit by claimant’s use of a lawyer inexperienced in medical malpractice cases. There are specialized procedures and knowledge that must be understood in order to be successful in these cases. New York State Law requires that the attorney consults a physician to determine whether the injury claims are valid.

The New York statute of limitations is 2 ½ years. A statute of limitations is the amount of time within which a patient must file a claim. There are some exceptions to this limitation. If the doctor leaves behind a foreign object in a patient’s body while performing surgery the statute of limitations begins from the date that the foreign object was discovered. Usually children have ten years to file a claim.

Don’t delay in seeking legal counsel if you have been a victim of medical malpractice in New York. Contact us to speak with an experienced Medical Malpractice Lawyer today.

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